Ringostat Call Tracking

Call tracking is a technology that defines the advertising source of the call. Due to call tracking, the marketer knows exactly the effectiveness of a particular campaign and correctly allocates the advertising budget.
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Works with Google Analytics 4
Platforma telefoniczna Ringostat

What tasks call tracking solves?

Understanding of ads that drive calls

Exclude the blind spot in analytics reports. Make decisions based on complete data, including statistics on calls.

Optimization of marketing costs

The most interested customers are the ones who make calls. Find out ads that drive exactly these customers, and allocate the budget based on this data.

Understanding of how sales reps process requests

Track the number of missed and targeted calls in call tracking reports. It will be your indisputable argument in the eternal conflict of marketing and sales.

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Call summary

Mood of a sales rep and customer

Recommendations for further steps

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Static and dynamic call tracking

offline ads

Static call tracking

Designed for offline ads. There is no detailed data needed in this case. It determines the efficiency up to the source level.

  • Out-of-home advertising

  • Promotion on TV and radio

  • Advertising flyers

  • Press advertising

Static call tracking
online ads

Dynamic call tracking

Designed for online ads. It defines the effectiveness up to the source, channel, campaign, and keyword level.

  • Paid advertising

  • Banner/Display ads

  • Promotion on social networks

  • Google Shopping Ads

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Solve basic tasks

Use call tracking opportunities to maximize marketing impact and generate more sales for the same budget.

call tracking opportunities
97% accuracy

Achieves by collecting statistics directly from Google Analytics. This is the top analytics system trusted by digital marketers around the world.

Calls segmentation

Ringostat automatically segments calls into basic categories. You can also customize your call categories and tag them manually or semi-automatically.

Smart substitution script

Ringostat's substitution code takes into account any user activity on the site, up to the movement of the mouse. This allows to calculate the display period of the substitute number in the most optimal way.

Integrations in two clicks, API and webhooks

Use 30+ ready-made integrations of Ringostat with other services and customize them for yourself in several minutes. Integrate Ringostat with any other system using API, webhooks or connectors.

Defining the source of the call up to the keyword

Ringostat reports will show where the caller came from. It gives an understanding of advertising campaigns and keywords that are the most effective, so you can focus on them.

Recording and listening of calls

Ringostat automatically records every call. By listening to the conversations, you will understand how well the sales team processes leads and what kind of ads drive target leads.

Solve more complex tasks

It is impossible to make the right decisions based on incorrect data. Therefore, one of the key tasks of call tracking is to keep statistics as accurate as possible.

Dedicated dynamic pools

A separate pool of numbers is created for each ad channel. Thus, even a traffic surge by one channel won't affect the statistics of others.

Tracking of the numbers quantity

Ringostat constantly monitors and gives recommendations on the required number of phone numbers for each pool, based on the traffic volume. It allows you to keep the most accurate statistics.

"Call me" button

Allows you to hide the phone number and show it to the most interested users only. Thus, even if there are sudden traffic surges, you get accurate statistics and save on the quantity of numbers. At the same time, conversion does not decrease which has been proven by case studies.

Solve non-standard professional tasks

Ringostat functionality allows you to solve the most complex and non-standard tasks, as it flexibly adjusts to the features of a particular business.

Cross-domain tracking

It's a feature for companies with multiple sites. Analyze statistics for all websites without leaving one Ringostat account.

Geo substitution

Be sure that customers will see the needed number. The dual algorithm for determining the location of the user guarantees the most accurate geo substitution.

The trigger of the event on the site by the fact of the call

Configure the event you need on the site that will be triggered by a call. For example, the appearance of the form "Evaluate the call" after the received call. Or the message "We will call you back within 15 minutes" — after the missed request.

Call forwarding based on users' behavior

Redirect calls by the most converting direction. For example, a user who looked for a certain category on the site would be connected with the sales rep responsible for this particular category.

Connect any integration you want

Ringostat integrates with CRM, messengers, analytics systems etc.
All integrations
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Phone system and Phone numbers


Cloud Phone System

Connect business telephony. Ringostat will provide the company with a connection in one day. Telephony flexibly configures for a specific business.

  • Notifications on missed calls

  • Call forwarding schemes

  • Voice menu and mail

  • Calls processing scenarios

Cloud Phone System

Phone numbers

Choose and connect numbers. You can connect to Ringostat any numbers that are familiar and suitable for your business:

  • phone numbers

  • any numbers in the SIP format

  • numbers of any cities and regions

  • toll free numbers

VOIP. Phone numbers

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Do you have any questions? Take a look below

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How to understand whether I need call tracking?


You need to answer two simple questions: do you launch paid ads and whether your customers call the company? If both answers are "Yes", then call tracking is definitely needed. Even if only 1% of users call you, they may be the most paying customers with the highest average check. Call tracking will show you the campaigns and keywords that brought them, so that you can further focus on this particular ad and scale its effect.

What is the difference between Ringostat call tracking and analogs?


In general, all call tracking systems are required for the same task — they track advertising sources of calls. The only difference is how well they do it: how accurate and diverse data they provide, what additional capabilities they offer, and how deeply they can dive into analytics.

Here are some peculiarities of Ringostat:

1. High accuracy of statistics — over 97%;
2. Flexibility — the service easily adjusts to the individual tasks of any business;
3. Wide reporting. Ringostat has a set of basic reports for users who don't need to dive deep into data. Those who work with data more professionally can create any custom reports based on more than 30 parameters;
4. A number of additional features. Ringostat is an ecosystem of products that allows not only to maximize the benefits of analytics but also boost the sales department to get more sales with the same advertising budget;
5. Ringostat is a technology partner of Google Analytics. The only one among similar services in Eastern Europe.

Do I have to pay for the call tracking right after the connection?


No. Ringostat has a two weeks trial. During this time, you can use the service for free. This period is enough to test the capabilities of the service and even get the first results. Thus, you pay for Ringostat only when you make sure that it suits you and your business.

Why do I need call tracking integrations with other services?


Ringostat itself is quite a powerful product. But integrations with other systems and services make it even stronger. It's like when you have the latest model of a smartphone, for sure, it's cool, but installed apps open up new possibilities for you.

For example, flexible integration with CRM systems allows you to automate the manual actions of sales reps — deals, contacts, and tasks will be created automatically by the fact of a call. Integration with the CRM and advertising accounts — instantly compare spendings on a particular ad channel and the profit that it brought due to the reports of end-to-end analytics. Moreover, if you have these integrations configured, you can manage bids for paid advertising without leaving your Ringostat account.

Now Ringostat has more than 30 ready-made integrations, created by our specialists, with the most popular CRM systems, analytics systems, advertising accounts, CMS, and other systems. You can read more about them in the "Integrations" section. You can also create more than a hundred integrations yourself in a few clicks, by using special connectors, or you can use the API and webhooks.

What are the benefits of using Ringostat's Call Tracking for business?


The purpose of call tracking is to identify which advertisements are generating phone calls from potential customers interested in making a purchase. Ringostat’s call tracking can determine with 97% accuracy the advertising source, campaign, or keyword that led to a phone call.

Call tracking main functionality

Call tracking software features:

  • Tracking the advertising source that generates phone calls from interested users.
  • Sales department control through call logs and recordings of phone conversations.
  • Transfer of call data to other systems and platforms.

How does Ringostat Call Tracking work?

There are two types of call tracking that differ in their operating principles.

  1. Static call tracking is designed for offline advertising: publications in newspapers, advertisements in transport, business cards, etc. It determines the origin of the call down to the source. each advertising source is assigned a unique phone number, and calls to these numbers help assess the effectiveness of the advertisement.
  2. Dynamic call tracking is designed for online ads and can pinpoint the origin of a call down to a specific keyword. It operates on the principle of number substitution on the website, where the displayed phone number is replaced based on the user’s transition source. This provides accurate statistics on call-generating ads.

How to connect CallTracking?

Contact Ringostat experts for consultation and assistance with installing the phone number substitution code on your website. Note that the first two weeks of using the Ringostat call tracking service are free. The trial period allows you to assess the technology's effectiveness for your business.

Call tracking usage benefits

  1. Increased effectiveness of advertising campaigns. By identifying which ads bring you valuable phone calls, you can adjust your marketing strategy to drive even more conversions.
  2. Optimized advertising costs. Invest in advertising that generates phone calls from interested users.
  3. Improved customer service quality. Listen to call recordings and view call log reports to assess your team's performance. Improve processes and enhance service.

Integration with CRM

Ringostat Call Tracking integrates effortlessly with numerous CRM systems. This means your call data will automatically sync with your CRM, building a complete communication history for each customer.

Benefits of using Ringostat Call Tracking

  1. Setup and Management. Ringostat Call Tracking is highly customizable to fit the unique needs of your business. Most settings can be adjusted independently within the client account.
  2. Integration. Connect call tracking with analytics systems, advertising accounts, CRM, and other platforms for instant transfer of call data.
  3. Technical Support. The average response time of our technical support specialists is 1.15 minutes, and 95% of our users rate the quality of support as "Excellent" or "Good."
  4. Training and consultations. We'll assist you in learning how to use call tracking and call data analysis to maximize its benefits.

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